Wednesday 13 February 2008

Monday 11 February 2008

Metal Tiger and Water Dragon

The Tiger and the Dragon may initially be quite attracted to one another, as both Signs possess famously magnetic personalities; however, their attraction may, sooner or later, give way to irritation. The problem between these two lies in their mutual power dynamic: The Dragon likes to be in charge of everything -- people and situations both -- but the Tiger insists on autonomy. Both of these Signs are fearsome in a dispute, and disputes are likely to come up between these two.

As lovers, these two are likely to enjoy a highly combustible relationship! The Tiger presents the Dragon with a real challenge: How can the Dragon overpower and possess the courageous, self-possessed Tiger? The Dragon is uniquely equipped to meet any challenge, however, including the Tiger's impulsive and mercurial ways. And while the Dragon isn't exactly impulsive, it is spontaneous, a quality that the Tiger will love -- these two Signs can definitely keep up with one another's bursts of energy. Though a brash and courageous Sign, the Dragon needs emotional support from a lover, but the Tiger needs independence first and foremost. The Tiger is also deeply emotional, however, and does possess compassion and understanding. All of these qualities together make for a very dynamic and interesting relationship, to say the least.

As business partners, these two may engage in less of the positive interaction and more of the power struggles; they both simply want to do things their own way and both think theirs is the best way. The Dragon will have to learn to be far more flexible with a Tiger as a business associate; the Tiger, in turn, will have to learn how to work toward common goals instead of always following its own path.

Remember that each year is associated not only with a Chinese Sign but also with one of the Chinese Elements -- Metal, Water, Wood, Fire or Earth. That means there's Metal Tigers, Water Tigers, Wood Dragons, Fire Dragons ... Find your Element as well as your Sign and see how your Element affects your Animal nature.

Friday 8 February 2008